Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
Hoho, What a witty and oh so original title that is.
So, the world is shit, for Millennials like myself (For the Oldie Daily Mail readers, that's for people born from 1981 to 1996) things are shit, it's too expensive to buy houses, jobs don't pay enough, less security than before, won't be able to retire until we've been dead a month etc etc, so we often think back to when we were younger, when things were cheaper, when TV was better and we relax, we are in our comfort zone.
Obviously there's a market for that so we've had many reboots of films/TV shows/Comics, Legacy toys released, we go online to say things were better "in our day" (Though that's often what the ODMRs say as an excuse to be cunts) and for the most part, they work, we feel young again, I myself quite often enjoy sitting down to watch Batman The Animated series, Or Power Rangers, or rub one out to Babestation. But every now and again something comes back from the past, we get all excited to sample it again....and it turns out to be utter wank!
McDonald's in the UK have just brought back the McRib, apparently a god tier food item that helped build the American Empire and was last seen in the UK about 15 years ago, I was never a fan of it back then, tasted too processed (even for McDonald's) and the Bread Bun irritated my tongue. So of course I was excited to try it again, to see if my memory of it was wrong and to hopefully admit that I could see why the Colonials worship it.
What I got looked like it had given up with everything, it looked like a Millennial, it was decrepit, beaten, floppy, drowned in BBQ Sauce (Hey, we all have our kinks) and was pathetic. The meat patty was bland, it tasted like a vague Rib flavoured Spam slice. The BBQ was sweeter than a sugar packet, and the bread bun was still irritating.
Eugh, so as you can see I didn't enjoy it and will probably only have a few more before they get withdrawn again....nah who am I kidding, I'll stick with the Big Macs.
So yeah, Nostalgia isn't what it used to be...or in my case with the McRib, exactly how it used to be. I won't be sorry to see it go, but I look forward to seeing the young 'uns start to romanticise in a few years when you could pop into your local McDonald's and get a God Tier food item called the McRib, and enjoy those few moments of being back in their teens.
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